Is it time to buy a new mattress? If so, you may have begun shopping for new furniture, including a new bed. If you have been struggling to sleep, finding a new mattress can help a lot with your current sleeping issues.

As you look for new furniture, whether it's a new bed set or just a new mattress, it is important to consider your options. These are the different mattress options to consider at your next furniture store excursion.

Memory Foam

Memory foam is a fantastic option for those who want to relieve pressure throughout the body. Memory foam mattresses contour to your body so that you can get a good night's sleep and consistent support for your body to keep your back in line.

This foam tends to be firmer than other options because it is thick. You will not feel the mattress shift or sink much when you move, which means that you may wake up with a better-feeling back in the morning. This is also good for those who share a bed.


Latex is not unlike a memory foam mattress. It is firm but is also a bit springy. It can be made of different materials to give you more options, but you should know that these beds do not contour the way memory foam does. If you sleep on your stomach, you will find that this bed is a fantastic option.

This bed stays cool and lasts quite a long time, making it a popular choice.


An innerspring mattress is one with coils inside. The coils can be thick or thin, but the layers can range in how much they sink. For many people, this bed is the one that offers the most relief from pressure on your back and joints.

If you sleep on your side, you might benefit from an innerspring mattress, but it's also a good option for those who sleep on their stomach.


A mattress that has chambers of air can help you customize your sleep experience. Each side of the bed can be adjusted to suit your needs. If you share a bed with somebody, this is a great choice.

How to Shop for a Mattress

Furniture stores offer a wide variety of mattress options for you to choose from. Find a mattress that fulfills your sleeping needs by shopping in a showroom today. Showrooms offer several options you can check out for yourself.
