Your interior wooden shutters have a natural beauty, so it makes sense that you should use natural methods to take care of those shutters. These tips will help you care for your shutters using products that are likely found in your own home. 


Use a soft, dry microfiber cloth to dust your shutters on a weekly basis. To clean hard-to-reach spaces between slats, use a soft natural bristle toothbrush and a feather duster. For shutters in a difficult-to-reach location or high above the floor, use a long-handled, anti-static duster with an angled, adjustable handle.  


Wooden shutters located in the kitchen can easily become covered in a thin layer of grease. Over time, this layer of grease can become a trap for dust and debris. To clean the shutters, wash the wood with a sponge dipped in vinegar. If the sponge has an abrasive pad on one side, do not use the abrasive side, as this can cause the finish on your wooden shutters to become scratched. Lightly scrub the shutters with the sponge, then allow the shutters to dry. Repeat if necessary. If you have no white vinegar in your house to use for this purpose, you may use lemon juice. 

Olive Oil 

Olive oil conditions wood while it cleans, leaving wooden shutters shiny and supple after every application. To use olive oil to clean your shutters, put a dab of olive oil in the center of your sponge and wipe down the outside of the shutters. Next, use a dry sponge or rag to remove the excess oil. Do this on a monthly basis, or as desired. 

Castile Soap

Castile soap is a natural detergent made from olive oil. It is the darling of many environmentally-conscious homeowners, as it is multipurpose and made from all-natural ingredients. Castile soap can be used to clean hard-to-tackle sticky spots on your shutters. Add a dash of castile soap to a bucket of warm water, then mix up the soap and dip a sponge into the water. Wring out the sponge until it is slightly more than damp but not soaking, and then use the sponge to clean the surface of the shutters. Remember to dry the shutters when you're done, as your wooden shutters should not remain wet for any extended period of time. 

For more information about cleaning your wooden shutters using natural means, speak with a shutters dealer in your area. Following these tips, your shutters should continue to look their best for many years to come. 
