Are you in the market for a new bed, sofa, or credenza? Although shopping for furniture might seem like a delightful way to spend your afternoon, you might regret your decision if you take home the wrong item. Here are three ways to avoid buyer's remorse at the furniture store so that you can enjoy your new piece for many years to come:

1: Measure

When you are in the midst of shopping for furniture in a large, extravagant warehouse, it can be easy to develop a skewed sense of perspective. When furniture pieces are placed in giant rooms and matched into perfectly-proportioned groups, it can be difficult to tell what would fit into your living room. That entertainment center might look like the perfect size, but then not fit through your front door.

To fend off problems, you should always bring along measurements of your current furniture pieces, and then measure potential replacements before you buy them. By bringing measurements from home, you can compare new items with the things you currently have, which might help you to purchase what you want. For example, if you are looking for a sofa that is a little bigger than the one you already own, you can use your handy measuring tape to scout out the perfect item.

2: Look At The Floor Models Carefully

Wouldn't it be nice if you could see into the future when it comes to wear and tear on your new furniture? Fortunately, with the help of the furniture store's floor model, you can. Floor models tend to take a lot of abuse. As thousands of people sit on furniture and run their hands over the stitching, those floor models can age a little faster than yours might.

However, by carefully inspecting the floor models, you can see which problems might show up first. Look at the stitching, finish, and grime level of each furniture piece. Check to see if cushions are staying in shape and whether or not the frame seems sturdy. If you spot problems in the showroom, it might help you to avoid furniture pieces that won't hold up at home.

3: Negotiate

That laminated sales tag might look like it is set in stone, but prices are usually more negotiable than you think. Before you whip out your credit card, talk with sales representatives to see if you can negotiate the price.

Instead of asking employees to give you the lowest price possible, mention the price you are comfortable paying. For example, if you know that the couch you want typically goes on sale for $999, but it is listed for $1,200, simply tell an employee that you would be more than happy to purchase the piece for $999. When sales people have an idea of what you are willing to pay, it can speed up the negotiation process significantly.  

Taking your time at a furniture store like Smith Furniture and getting a good price for your piece might help you to feel better about your purchase.  
